Ghost Spider
Family: Anyphaenidae sp.
Identification: Body 1/4 — 1/2 inch long. Jaws (chelicerae) move side to side, scissor like. Eyes: eight small eyes closely grouped. Abdomen elongate with pair of long spinnerets. Colour: brown and yellow, beige or greenish-yellow; some species with dark markings. Very similar to sac spiders (Families Miturgidae and Clubionidae) and are often mistaken for the yellow sac spider.
Distribution: A few species of ghost spiders occur in North America north of Mexico. The yellow ghost spider, Hibana (Aysha) velox, garden ghost spider, Hibana gracilis, and green ghost spiden Wulhla albens (prev. alba), occur in the southeastern U.S. and are common in Florida.
Biology: Ghost spiders actively hunt for prey (insects and smaller spiders) at night. During the day they rest in silken retreats under stones, behind bark and in folded leaves outdoors; also in protected corners and crevices of buildings. Ghost spiders can be seen year-round in Florida and the South but are most abundant in spring and summer. In colder climates, they overwinter as immature spiders or subadults (final immature stage).
Pest Status: The bite is similar to a pin prick or bee sting but the venom usually is not dangerous to humans. Occasionally short-term swelling and soreness or a small necrotic wound may result.